In my previous blog I mentioned that it has been a happy 5 months so far but a bit worrying and stressful and unsure….all I am going to say is: Ministry of Home Affairs – need I say more?
As I am sure all of you know how efficient, fast and effective the Ministry of Home Affairs are? (SARCASM!) Everyone has been asking me when I am coming to visit…well here is our answer: your guess is as good as ours!!
Ricardo applied for his VISA and Permit the first week of February and to date he has not heard anything from them…I applied in June and have also not heard anything to date. We have to apply for a VISA first because our visitors’ VISA has expired (you are allowed 90 days in the country per year as a visitor) so have had to apply for another 3 months, now this should only take a few days to come out and we are both still waiting...months later! Once the Ministry of Home Affairs grants you your 3 month VISA only then can they apply for your 1 year work permit!! So Ricardo has been ‘illegal’ in the country for nearly 6 months and me for 2 months…this makes no sense at all right? We have no idea what the delay is all we can do is wait and wait and wait. The reason we can’t come back right now to visit is because we won’t be allowed to re-enter Namibia, the officials at the airport or borders are going to tell us to wait in our homeland for the documents to come out and we can’t take that chance right now because we both have jobs and other commitments in Namibia at the moment!
The Ministry told us on Tuesday that they are slowly receiving some documentation…so let’s hold thumbs that one of them is our work permit!! So as soon as I receive some documentation, that’s makes me a ‘Legal Alien,’ I’ll be coming home for a visit!! Hold thumbs....